Class Schedule – Friday, July 11

Class selection dates will be announced soon.
You can find all class descriptions HERE.
Session 4: 8:30 AM – 9:45 AM
Basic Percussion Methods, Jack Burdwood: Maple
Beginning Ringing Track (Session 2 of 3), Joe Galyon: Cypress A
First Look: Strategies for Sight-Reading Success, Stevie Berryman: Cedar
Foundations of Ensemble Ringing, Fortè Handbell Quartet: Redbud A
Going Digital – Using Technology for Music in Handbells, Rick Holdsworth: Oak
Handbell Performance and Christian Worship, Mitchell Eithun: Peach B
Handbell Show: Production and Programming, Damien Lim: Peach A
Handbells in Contemporary Worship, Ron Mallory: Birch
Let’s Chat About AI, Paul Berryman: Cherry B
Pop/Rock Music Track (Session 2 of 3), Nick Hanson and Brian Seemann: Redbud B
Ringing and Singing with People Living with Dementia, Marci Corey: Walnut
The Care and Feeding of Your Handbell Clinician, Brenda Austin: Cherry A
The Leader’s Journey: Discovering Your Leadership Impact, Marie Loeffler: Osage
Exhibiting Partner Showcase: J.W. Pepper & Son, Linda Lorgus: Trail Rooms
Session 5: 11:30 AM – 12:45 PM
Advanced Ensemble Ringing and Adapting, Fortè Handbell Quartet: Redbud A
Advanced Ringing Track (Session 2 of 3), Matthew Compton: Cypress A
Audio Recording and Audio for Livestreaming of Handbell Ensemble Performances, Bob Avant: Maple
Beginning Bass Bells, Justin Wooten: Redbud B
Conquering Compositional Copyrights, Nick Hanson: Oak
Going Viral on TikTok, Mitchell Eithun: Cherry B
Handbell Artistry for Beginners, Kimberlee Strepka: Birch
Mallets in Motion, Jack Burdwood: Cedar
Roundtable: Signing Your Life Away: A Chat on Clinicians, Commissions, and Contracts, Michael Glasgow: Osage
Score Scanning Success, Anne Kelly: Peach B
The Handbell Rehearsal: Inside the Process and Best Practices, Billy Brandt: Walnut
Traveling and Touring with Handbells, David Harris: Peach A
Why We Gather: Reframing the Community Music Ensemble, Kathryn Jurado: Cherry A
Exhibiting Partner Showcase: Grassy Meadow Music, Jason Krug: Trail Rooms
Exhibiting Partner Showcase: AGEHR Publishing, Brian Childers: Trail Rooms
Exhibiting Partner Showcase: Truly Horrible Things, Paul Berrymen: Handbell Commons
Session 6: 4:15 PM – 5:30 PM
Advanced Bass Bells, Justin Wooten: Redbud B
Ear Training for Handbell Musicians, Ron Mallory: Birch
Ensuring Harmony: Resolving Conflict and Creating Positive Change, Marie Loeffler: Oak
Handbell Artistry for Beginners, Kimberlee Strepka: Cedar
Handbell Performance and Christian Worship, Mitchell Eithun: Peach B
You Have How Many Directors? Management and Implementation of the Community Handbell Ensemble with Multiple Directors, Kathryn Jurado and William Murphy: Cherry A
Intermediate Ringing Track (Session 2 of 3), Christine Chan: Cypress A
Lifting Them Up, Beth Mays Loebig: Peach A
Next Level Fundraising Events, Paul Berryman: Cherry B
Stage Presence and Why It Matters, Hillary Marotta: Maple
Starting and Sustaining a Community Handbell Program, David Harris: Walnut
Streamlining Organizational Operations, Sharon Schmidt: Osage
Weaving Made Easy, Libbie Randels: Redbud A
Exhibiting Partner Showcase: 8-Bit Handbell, Nick Hanson: Trail Rooms
Exhibiting Partner Showcase: From the Top Music, Hart Morris, Trail Rooms
Daily Class Schedules
Thursday, July 10
Friday, July 11
Saturday, July 12
Directors: If you are registering multiple people at one time, you may download and print THIS SHEET to use as a tool to help you have all information in front of you while registering. Print it and ask your attendees to fill it out and return it to you to make registering them easier.
You must pre-select your classes for the event. If you are registered, you may select your classes by CLICKING HERE.