Twister Dash Discount: $375

Available through January 31, 2025.

  • Must be HMA Member in good standing
  • Rate includes full event registration (Wednesday through Saturday)
  • 9 classes, 10 Musician Showcases, banquet lunch, exhibits in Handbell Commons, Happy Hours & more
  • Full payment due at time of registration
  • No other discounts or offers apply with the Twister Dash Discount
  • Early access to class selections

From February 1, 2025, through the event the prices will be

HMA Members: $420
Non-Members: $475

Kansas residents automatically receive a reduced rate after February 1.

Directors: If you are registering multiple people at one time, you may download and print THIS SHEET to use as a tool to help you have all information in front of you while registering. Print it and ask your attendees to fill it out and return it to you to make registering them easier.

You must pre-select your classes for the event. If you are registered, you may select your classes by CLICKING HERE.

Daily Rates

Available through the event.

Wednesday: $30 for HMA Members, $35 for Non-Members
Includes Opening Reception, 1 Musician Showcase, access to Handbell Commons

Thursday: $130 for HMA Members, $140 for Non-Members
Includes 3 classes, 3 Musician Showcases, Happy Hour, access to Handbell Commons

Friday: $150 for HMA Members, $165 for Non-Members
Includes 3 classes, 3 Musician Showcases, banquet lunch, access to Handbell Commons

Saturday: $130 for HMA Members, $140 for Non-Members
Includes 3 classes, 3 Musician Showcases, reception, access to Handbell Commons

Information subject to change.

Exhibiting Partners

Each booth is 10’ x 10’ and includes one 8’ skirted table, two chairs, one wastebasket, wireless internet access and event badges for up to two on-site booth staff which provide entry to all musician showcases at Pinnacle. Each exhibiting partner will receive one booth ID sign and up to two tickets for on-site booth staff to attend the lunch banquet on Friday, July 11. Additional tickets can be purchased.

Initial booth: $300 for HMA Business Members, $450 for Non-Members, $350 for Non-Member Kansas businesses
Each additional booth: $275
Please see the Handbell Commons page for more Exhibiting Partner information.

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