Class Schedule – Thursday, July 10

Class selection dates will be announced soon.

You can find all class descriptions HERE.

Session 1: 8:30 AM – 9:45 AM

Advanced Ringing Track (Session 1 of 3), Matthew Compton: Cypress A

Audition Skills for Ringers, Sharon Schmidt: Cedar

Beginning Bass Bells, Justin Wooten: Redbud B

Concert Creation, Beth Mays Loebig: Peach A

Conquering Compositional Copyrights, Nick Hanson: Maple

In Tune with Your Talk: Taking the Fear Out of Public Speaking (Session 1 of 2), Marie Loeffler: Peach B

Next Level Fundraising Events, Paul Berryman: Cherry B

Re-Thinking Rhythms, Anne Kelley: Osage

Starting and Sustaining a Community Handbell Program, David Harris: Walnut

Weaving Made Easy, Libbie Randels: Redbud A

Website Creation & Maintenance using WEEBLY (WYSIWYG-style), Damien Lim: Oak

Why We Gather: Reframing the Community Music Ensemble, Kathryn Jurado: Cherry A

Session 2: 11:30 AM – 12:45 PM

Advanced Bass Bells, Justin Wooten: Redbud B

Building a Strong Volunteer Based Program, Marci Corey: Cherry A

Ear Training for Handbell Musicians, Ron Mallory: Maple

In Tune With Your Talk (Session 2 0f 2), Marie Loeffler: Peach B

Intermediate Ringing Track (Session 1 of 3), Christine Chan: Cypress A

Keep Your Data Safe and Secure, Paul Berryman: Cherry B

Lifting Them Up, Beth Mays Loebig: Peach A

Mallets in Motion, Jack Burdwood: Cedar

Program with a Purpose: Crafting Engaging Repertoire for Your Audience, Emily Li: Oak

Rethinking Rhythms, Anne Kelley: Osage

Ring Until You’re 100! Ergonomics and Handbells, Libbie Randels: Redbud A

Ringer’s Rehearsal Techniques, Beth Judd: Walnut

The Art of Arranging Pop Music for Handbells, Nick Hanson: Birch

Session 3: 3:15 PM – 4:30 PM

Roundtable: Organizational Structure, Sharon Schmidt: Cherry A

Beginning Ringing Track (Session 1 of 3), Joe Galyon: Cypress A

Bell Tree and Handbell Choir, Karen Van Wert: Peach B

Beyond the Church – Expand your Handbell Performances, Nancy Youngman: Walnut

First Look: Strategies for Sight-Reading Success, Stevie Berryman: Cedar

Going Digital – Using Technology for Music in Handbells, Rick Holdsworth: Osage

Going Digital – Using Technology for Music in Handbells, David Harris: Cherry B

Handbell Show: Production and Programming, Damien Lim: Peach A

Handbells in Contemporary Worship, Ron Mallory: Maple

Pop/Rock Music  (Session 1 of 3), Nick Hanson and Brian Seamann: Redbud B

Ring Until You’re 100! Ergonomics and Handbells, Libbie Randels: Redbud A

Setting Up and Using a Free Google Workspace Account for Your Organization, Marci Corey: Oak

Six-In-Hand Methods, Nikki Evans: Birch

Daily Class Schedules

Thursday, July 10

Friday, July 11

Saturday, July 12

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